Did Your State Make the List of Most Farm Fatalities?

Posted by robyn

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, farming has one of the highest fatality rates of all occupations. Often farmers and farm workers receive little formal safety training and often work alone and far from reaching assistance if injured. On average,  one in every 29 farms in the United States will have an injury happen there.

Even though farm injuries are tragically common, certain states have reported a higher prevalence. Is your state on the list?

5. Wisconsin

Wisconsin ranks fifth in the US for the most fatalities on a farm. Over half of the deaths were machinery related (i.e. tractors).

4. Minnesota

Minnesota has the fourth most farm fatalities in the U.S. The most common fatality occurred during transportation activities. Out of all the fatalities,  81% of those killed were men.

3. Iowa

Iowa ranks third in the US when it comes to farm-related deaths. The state also ranks highest in death rates among forestry, fishing, and hunting industry.

2. Indiana

Indiana is second in the country with the most farm deaths. This state averages almost 200 reported fatalities per year.

1. Delaware

The state with the highest rate of farm-related fatalities may seem surprising. Since Delaware is one of the smallest states, it has a 1.52% fatality rate per 1,000 farms. There are less than 3,000 farms in the state. This means that nearly every farm suffered a tragic death.


After an Injury or Death

An injury or death can be a devastating blow financially and emotionally. You may not know where to turn. The Farm Injury Resource Center prides itself on being a free resource to farmers. Our confidential and free consultation will guide you. We are available 24/7 to assist you.